Crusader Model 350 - 454 C.I.D/7.4L Flywheel Housing Assembly

Mark-4 Block With 2-Piece Rear SealCrusader Logo
Serial #'s up to 88710


  Model 350 454 C.I.D. Flywheel Housing Assembly

Ref # Part # Description Quantity
1 42091 Starter (Auto Rotation) 1  
1 42090 Starter (Opposite Rotation) 1
2 103321 Washer, 3/8 Lock AR AR
3 21123 Nut, M-10 x 1.5; Hex Brass 1 1
4 21118 Nut, M-5 x 0.8 2 2
5 21119 Washer Lock M-5 2 2
6 102636 Nut, 7/16-14 (5/8 Special) 2 2
7 103322 Washer, 7/16 Lock AR AR
8 97478 Bracket, Engine Relay 1 1
9 96433 Stud, 7/16-14 x 1 5/8" 2 2
10 96350 Cover, Timing Hole 1 1
11 179841 Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1 1/4; Hex HD (GR5) 4 4
12 97043 Screw, Drive 2 2
13 96952 Name Plate, Engine 1 1
14 96938 Housing, Flywheel 1 1
15 97315 Cover, Flywheel Housing 1 1
16 102635 Nut, 3/8 - 16 Hex 4 4
17 22322 Stud, 3/8-16 x 2 1/2" 2 2
18 179799 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 1 1/4 " Hex HD (GR5) 6 6
19 103319 Washer, 1/4 Lock 6 6
20 109084 Nut, 1/4-20 UNC-2B Hex 6 6
21 22030 Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1 SHD 6 6
22 97334 Damper Assembly 1 1
23 96541 Stud, 7/16- 14 x 4" 2 2
24 97393 Hose Assembly, Oil Line Cooler Out to Gear In 1 1
25 30526 Elbow, 3/8 MP x 3/4 ST; 90° 1 1
26 272231 Nut, 7/16 - 20 Hex (11/16 Hex x 7/16 High) 4 4
27 91690 Coupling, Prop. 1" x 5" AR AR
27 91691 Coupling, Prop. 1 1/8" x 5" AR AR
27 91692 Coupling, Prop. 1 1/4" x 5" AR AR
27 91693 Coupling, Prop. 1 3/8" x 5" AR AR
27 91694 Coupling, Prop. 1 1/2" x 5" AR AR
27 91695 Coupling, Prop. 1 3/4" X 5 " AR AR
27 91696 Coupling, Prop. 2" x 5" AR AR
28 2000090 Set Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 1/4 " 2 2
29 22136 Bolt, Coupling; 7/16-20 x 1 1/2" (Special) 4 4
30 179872 Bolt, 7/16-14 x 3 1/2" Hex HD (GR5) 4 4
31 144603 Nipple, 3/8 X 3"; Steel Pipe 1 1
32 30516 Elbow, 90° Female; 3/8 Pipe x 1/2 Tube 1 1
33 97392 Hose Assembly, Gear Out to Cooler In 1 1
34 96341 Bracket, Shift Cable (Front Entry) 1 1
34 97471 Bracket, Shift Cable (Rear Entry) (Not Shown) 1 1
35 21088 Sender, Gear Oil Temp. 1 1
36 9001517 Transmission Assembly, D,D. AR AR
36 9001518 Transmission Assembly, 1.52 AR AR
36 9001519 Transmission Assembly, 1.91 AR AR
36 25444 Transmission Assembly, 2.10C AR -
36 25470 Transmission Assembly, 2.10CR - AR
36 9001520 Transmission Assembly, 2.57 AR AR
36 9001521 Transmission Assembly, 2.91 AR AR
37 21033 Clip, Shift Cable (Single Control) AR AR
37 22230 Clip, Shift Cable (Dual Control) AR AR
38 443874 Screw, #10-24 Hex HD; Machine 2 2
39 106497 Washer, #10 Medium; Lock 2 2
40 120361 Nut, #10 Hex 2 2
41 131718 Washer Lock 7/16" Internal Tooth Lock (Type A) 6 6
Note 1: Unless Specified All Transmissions will be Shipped for L.H.
Engines. Rotation Must be Specified for Transmissions
with 2.10:1 Reduction They Are Not Bi-Rotational.
Note 2: Name Plate will be Replaced Only When Original Name
Plate is Returned to Factory.