Crusader Model MP6.0L - 366 C.I.D. 6.0L-Oil Pan and Oil Pump Assembly

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Model MP6.0L Oil Pan and Oil Pump Assembly

Ref # Part # Description Qty
1 R041079 Tube, oil dipstick 1
2 R041080 Dipstick, oil level (0 to 4 degree) AR
2 R041081 Dipstick, oil level (12 degree) AR
3 RS0302 Bolt, oil dipstick tube attaching 1
4 R127015 Clamp, oil dipstick tube attaching 1
5 RS2180 Lockwasher, oil dipstick tube attaching 1
6 RS1028 Nut, oil dipstick tube attaching 1
7 TBD Bolt, engine rear cover attaching 1
8 R047236 Seal, engine rear cover oil 1
9 TBD Cover, engine rear 1
10 R074030 Tube, oil pickup 1
11 RM0279 Gasket, oil pan 1
12 R005025 Oil Pan 1
13 TBD Bolt, oil sending unit adapter attaching 2
14 R079071 Adapter, oil sending unit 1
14 TBD Cover, oil galley 1
15 TBD Gasket, oil sending unit adapter 1
16 TBD Bolt, oil pan attaching (long) 2
17 TBD Bolt, oil pan attaching (short) 12
18 TBD Nut, oil pickup tube attaching 1
19 TBD Bolt, oil pickup tube attaching 1
20 TBD Nut, windage tray attaching 10
21 TBD O-ring, oil pickup tube 1
22 R012027 Tray, windage 1
23 TBD Bolt, oil pump attaching 4
24 TBD Oil Pump Assembly 1
25 TBD Drive, oil pump 1